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Experience a futuristic, 5D-inspired Risk Assessment Visualization exercise in real time! An Interactive Tool created to support roles and functions in which real time, accurate, precise, detailed, location-based Communications are required.
Importantly, the exercise supports DEMARCATION:
a critical issue for the protection of the Professionals who must neutrally navigate certain Spaces to fulfill CORE functions, roles, and responsibilities.
This Visualization illustrates the range and depth of the immersive predictive capabilities of AI-enabled technologies operating under Internet-of-Things (IoT) architecture at higher frequencies (6G and Beyond).
By deploying personalized narratives, the goal is to lay bare some of the Anomalies and Anomalous Communications that have already arisen. Sometimes referred to as Glitches or Glitches in the Matrix, these predicted and in some cases known Anomalous Outcomes include instances of Parallelization pursuant to which phenomena known as Parallel Crossovers occur.
To continue this futuristic risk visualization exercise, select the button below, which links to the Visualization Tool currently deployed by the real life person participating in this exercise (Participant).
Known by various names, including FTL , 5D, the R.E.A.L Network, and even Pi(e) Club, the future of communications contemplates a live network comprised of communication and collaboration among Trusted Sources. Known as Trusted Sources Protocol or TSP, it is a network topology built on trust.
Mandela Effects, Double Vision, Perfectly-Timed Encounters, Remarkable Coincidences, Remarkably Similar Shared Past History are just some of the examples of the types of "glitches" expected to occur during this technological upgrade and capacity expansion known as 5D.
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